我們知道新學年的開始可能是一個壓力很大的時期,尤其是對於第一次進入中學的中一學生而言。所以,我們問了一些我們的 S.H.I.E.L.D.S. 學生領袖:學生領袖認為中一生最需要或最想知道的事?讓我們來看看!
Form 1 students are usually worried about if they violate the school regulations, and if they can catch up with the school work as they have more subjects than before.
第二就係學校方面,係教學同考試模式都唔同,中一生需要適應,係呢方面要多 d 支援。
I wish I had a senior to guide me to get familiarised with the campus, like school regulations
可能係學校內流傳既一 d 文化,例如係每個老師既相處之道,或者邊 d 堂係特別好玩,甚至多 d 八卦野,甘樣比中一生可以快 d 適應到,同同學都可以有多 d 野講。
There are more subjects than before and students have to go to different classrooms.
Ask your seniors for advice and tips.
可能係關於校園多少少既野先,例如係老師既性格,邊個會好 d,甚至校園附近有咩食甘
Preparation before class is very crucial. Otherwise, you won’t be able to understand what teachers said. I didn’t do it in Form 1 but I did it in Form 2 and that’s why my academic performance improved.